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What is the difference between Admin and a Limited access admin (LA)?
ADMIN: Admin is a member who has complete access on the Data Room. Data Room admins are typically people who you want to help manage the deal, Data Room admins have the following abilities: Add/remove files and folders Add/remove groups Invite/remove ...
What is the use of report module? Who can access it and how helpful is it?
The Report module is a hub of different types of reports. These reports capture the activity logs in real time which can be exported and used for compliance purpose. Every segment gives you a clear picture of the activities performed by every member ...
What is NumberTeller?
NumberTeller is a Pythagorean Numerology Calculator App built with simple user interface to run multiple numerology calculations.
How do I update my Profile settings?
Once you have logged into the data room, Navigate to the right side of the screen to find your name. Click on Profile, you will have the option to edit your personal information and your password. Contact support@docullyvdr.com if you need any ...
How do I change the Project Name on the Data Room?
In case you need to rename your project; follow the below steps: Navigate to the left side of the screen and locate the Project/Data Room name. Click on the Edit icon (pen), you can customize the group name and the logo. Save the changes once done. ...